For the greatest benefit, Soma is best experienced as the series. This consists of 11-sessions that each address a specific part of the body, yet also work to balance the whole. Sessions are generally one week apart and approximately 1.5 to 2 hours in length. In addition to the actual bodywork, movement re-education, reading materials, and other activities may be used. Furthermore, each session builds on the previous, so completing the series is important for receiving the most benefit. Often clients will notice changes from one session to the next, with their bodies often eager to receive the next session.

Session 1: Rib Cage
Focus: Releasing the tissue surrounding the rib cage and lengthen the lower back.
Results: A sense of lightness and well-being, a more upright posture and fuller deeper breathing.

Session 2: Legs & Feet
Focus: The body’s foundation: lower legs and feet.
Results: A sense of being firmly grounded and in touch with reality.

Session 3: Sides
Focus: The relationship between pelvis, ribcage and shoulder girdle.
Results: Expanded breathing, greater relaxation and more immediately available energy.

The Core Sessions
To bring about the most profound benefits of SOMA work, we restructure, educate and enliven the center of your body: legs, pelvis, entire spine and muscles that support you from deep within.

Sessions 4, 5 & 6: Vertical Core
Focus: Adjust and lengthen the center line, or core, that runs vertically through the body.
Results: Better balance and freedom of movement. Walking takes a fraction of the energy typically expended.

Session 7: Head and Neck
Focus: Release the muscles of the neck, face and head.
Results: More softened and relaxed appearance in the face, with increased self-reliance and personal power.

The Integrative Sessions
These final sessions are the key to the lasting “effects” of SOMA. By focusing largely on integration and connectivity, we allow your body-mind to fully “own” this new way of moving and being in the world.

Sessions 8, 9 & 10: Integration
Focus: Integrate the whole body in a new and more efficient manner.
Results: Less stress and increased energy as the body’s structure becomes better aligned with gravity.

Session 9A: Arms
Focus: Release and integrate the arms and shoulders
Results: A lighter experience of the arms, greater ease through the shoulders, an experience of more connection through the entire torso.

Somassage is also available for those interested in a lighter version of the bodywork. It’s great for those new to Structural Integration or those who have already been through the series and just need a touch-up.
Click here for more information.


Interested in Soma bodywork, massage or myofunctional therapy?
Please call 206.856.0394.
Wallingford Neighborhood, Seattle | Langley, Whidbey Island

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